Prairie's Paraphrases of Psalm 23

Throughout Lent in 2023, we spent time reading Psalm 23 and we encouraged you to try writing your own paraphrase inspired by that Psalm. Here are a few of your versions. Thanks for sending them in!

This first one, was a beautiful group effort worked on together by small group members: Sheila Anderson, Bonnie Bruneau, Liz Cox, Aileen Huss, Leila Sheocharan, Janet Simpson, Evelyn Sutton, Sylvia de Vlaming, and Bonnie Zimmer.

The Lord is my life guide.
You give me everything I need.
You provide times of relaxation when I can lie down in the beauty of nature, in safe comfortable places of tranquility, and in calm environments.
You direct me along right paths bringing honour to your name.
Even when I have sadness or life difficulties, you comfort me, lift me up and provide the tools I need to carry on.
In all circumstances, your generosity is overwhelming, even in front of those who wish me harm.
You treat me like royalty. You have blessed me abundantly.
I am confident that your mercy and blessings will be with me throughout my life, and I will live forever in God’s house.

Aileen Huss contributed this wonderful version, which she shared with her small group. You can see what her group incorporated from Aileen’s composition.

The Lord is my life guide
I have all that I need
He lets me rest in soft comfort
He keeps me safe in busy streets
He energizes me
He shows me the correct way to honour His name.
Even when I walk through the darkest places
I will not be afraid, Because you are beside me
Your gentle arms hold and protect me
You have a banquet for me
While my enemies watch
You treat me like a special guest
Putting oil on my head
My heart overflows with your blessings
I am sure your love will always be there
And I will live forever in God’s house.

Ann Brough contributed this lovely paraphrase, starting it with a line from a favourite hymn:

All I have needed your hand has provided.
I am still! I feel you near me.
Your peace washes over me like cool water, and I am comforted.
When I read your word, you remind me that you love me.
Even on the darkest days you whisper assurance that you are God and I am your beloved daughter.
Your love will be with me for ever.

Erin Whittaker wrote this powerful version, which she shared with the congregation at the beginning of Lent.

God takes care of me. I know that I’ll have the things I truly need as I need them. When I trust God, I can be at peace, knowing that despite all the worries and stresses I am taken care of, loved and cared for. When I run at full steam, God is there, waiting for me, to come to him, breathe, drink, and rest.

When I follow God’s path, spent time with him and with the church, I find strength to make decisions and take actions more inline with his plan for me and for our world. I can do the big hard scary things knowing that God is with me and all of a sudden, they’re over.

My brain creates monsters, spends time thinking of problems that haven’t even happened yet, and then God says, come, eat, fill yourself on the things that matter, and remember all that you have received. I smile, I am full of joy, and I can’t help but share that joy with others. Living this way feels right. This is how I want to live my life. Basking in the goodness and mercy of God. Forever and always.

Presbyterians Read - We Are Pilgrims

Individually or with a group

5 Sessions

Group Meets on Zoom - Thursdays at 1:30pm - April 20 to May 18

Join Presbyterians across Canada for a journey of praying, walking and reflection this Spring, using the Presbyterians Read: We Are Pilgrims study guide together with Jim Forest’s book The Road to Emmaus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life.

The Rev. Amanda Currie, Moderator of the 2019 General Assembly, who serves as the minister at First Presbyterian Church in Regina, is the author of this study guide. We Are Pilgrims comprises an introduction and five sessions.

You are encouraged to do this in community:

(Though you can also go through it individually)



Welcome Ashley - New Music Director

Prairie is thrilled to have Ashley Boychuk take on her new role at Music Director for the congregation.

Ashley is a classically trained coloratura soprano and dynamic arts administrator. Over the past several years her career has taken her across Canada, the United States, and Europe. She deeply believes in music as a vessel to enhance our lives and to create community. An arts education advocate, she understands the transformational experiences music provides. Following her Master of Music degree at the University of Minnesota, Ashley has had the privilege of teaching voice and piano, supporting youth leaders and music outreach programs, coordinating national music celebrations, and has worked to uplift awareness in the contemporary classical sector. She believes in the power of music. Ashley is thrilled to be part to Prairie Presbyterian Church to facilitate the wonder of music and worship with both in-person and online setting.

Contact Ashley at


New Beginnings - RSVP Today!

We Need You To Be Part of Envisioning the Future

Earlier this year we began a visioning process for the ministry of our congregation called New Beginnings. As we return to the overall process this fall, you will all have the opportunity to look at the assessment that was completed in the first phases.

Open Workshop - Sep 23

On Friday, September 23 in the evening, you are invited to meet our New Beginnings’ coach, Rev. Ian Fraser, who will be guiding us through the next phases of the process. The coach will be leading a workshop to help us understand how ministry has radically changed over the past few decades and to help us get excited about new possibilities for ministry. The number of people who participate greatly impacts the outcome of this process. So, we need you to let us know whether you can be there or not.

Click here to RSVP

Ian will also preach at Prairie on Sept 25th, which you won’t want to miss!

Groups for New Beginnings

We need everyone to be involved! This is were you are invited to really unpack our congregation’s assessment, wrestle with its implications and help to choose a future story for Prairie!

We have had some small groups operating at Prairie for the last few years. Some of these groups will be starting up again in the fall, but their usual mode of meeting will be put on pause in October because there is also a group phase that is part of New Beginnings.

It involves meeting 4 times over a 4 to 6 week period with the same small group. You will need to register for a group and let us know about your availability. We will get you more details about this, when we get close to the time that the groups will start in October.

We are prioritizing in-person meetings as much as possible. We are finding that having productive and creative conversations is far easier in person. We will also provide Zoom access for all meetings but ask that you consider coming in person if you are able and are comfortable.

LGBTQI Persons and the Church

Prairie Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Approved by Session - April 2022

For the past several decades, The Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) has studied and discussed questions related to sexuality, particularly questions related to same-sex marriage and the roles of LGBTQI people in ministry. In 2021, the PCC made changes to its theology and practice regarding marriage and ordination. Before outlining these changes, it is important to emphasize a few things.

The Church is to be a place of welcome and love for all, but often churches have been places of hurt, alienation, and sometimes abuse or violence for those who do not identify as heterosexual. In 2017, the General Assembly of the PCC directed that a letter of repentance be written to the LGBTQI community. It is worth reading the entire letter, but we quote three points here:

  1. “For the ways our congregations judge and exclude others based on restrictive gender definitions, we are sorry, and we repent. No one should ever be harmed for naming their sexual identity.”

  2. “The church by its actions and inaction, speaking and silence, creates hurt, fear and distrust among LGBTQI persons who are part of the church. Deaf to the cries of hurt, fear, and distrust, the church dismisses the pain experienced by LGBTQI persons. For our unwillingness to recognize the hurt and fear our actions and attitudes have caused, we are sorry, and we repent.”

  3. “The church too often puts more emphasis on a person’s sexual identity than on their identity in Christ. When the church ignores the gifts present within the body of Christ, it fails to appreciate all that God has for the church and fails to see God’s glory revealed in all people.”

As far back as 1994, the PCC clearly stated that someone’s sexual orientation cannot be a sin. Since then, the debate has centred around practice, particularly the question of same-sex marriage.

At Prairie, we affirm that all people are God’s children, regardless of ones gender identity or sexual orientation. We will continue to strive to be a congregation that is free from any hurt, offensive language, bullying, condemnation, or anything that creates a climate of hostility toward LGBTQI persons.

How Beliefs Work in the Presbyterian Church in Canada

We are a community centred around Jesus Christ, and there is a core set of beliefs that we hold to as a community of faith within a broad Reformed Tradition. This core of faith is encapsulated in the Apostles’ Creed, which is itself based on Scripture. To be a member of a Presbyterian Church, the only criteria is that one must assent to the Apostles’ Creed.

Besides this core, there is a broad spectrum of interpretations, opinions, theological nuances, and sometimes disagreements within our denomination, and also within the broader Christian tradition. The Christian Church has existed for thousands of years even with deep division around a host of varying understandings on a large number of topics.

Of course, there are streams of Reformed Theology and particular Presbyterian distinctives, but it must be emphasized that the best of our tradition seeks mutual understanding, and engages in respectful and loving dialogue.

This means that within our denomination, and indeed within our congregation, there will be varying viewpoints on a number of things, including whether same-sex marriage ought to be permitted and whether LGBTQI people can be ordained as ministers or elders.

We wish to stress that these viewpoints are not part of the core of beliefs as expressed in the Apostles’ Creed. Two people can wholeheartedly follow Jesus and hold completely different viewpoints on “non essentials.”

Current Beliefs and Practices Concerning Marriage and Ordination for LGBTQI Persons in the PCC

As of 2021, The Presbyterian Church in Canada holds two parallel definitions of marriage and recognizes that faithful, Holy Spirit filled, Christ centred, God honouring people can understand marriage as a covenant relationship between a man and a woman or as a covenant relationship between two adult persons. Additionally, ministers may choose for themselves whether or not to conduct same-sex marriages and a session may choose whether or not to permit same-sex marriages within their church buildings.

As of 2021, congregations and presbyteries may call and ordain as ministers and elect and ordain as ruling elders LGBTQI persons (married or single). Additionally, ministers and elders can choose whether or not to agree with or participate in ordinations, inductions, and installations.

Special LGBTQI Listening Committee of the PCC

In 2017, the General Assembly appointed a special committee called the Rainbow Communion that was empowered to invite LGBTQI people and others to tell stories of harm done to them within and by the church, and to share their stories of God’s grace experienced by them in Christian ministry. They presented their extensive final report in 2021. All of their recommendations were adopted by the 2021 General Assembly. Some highlights:

  • The Presbyterian Church in Canada affirms that all people whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity are equally beloved by God.

  • Identifying as LGBTQI and/or being in a same-sex marriage is not grounds for discipline and censure in The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

  • The Presbyterian Church in Canada will offer a public confession to all individuals and congregations harmed by the church through exclusion and marginalization, seeking forgiveness from God and from all those affected.

  • Resources will be created in the coming years to equip an inclusive church and a fund will be established to support psychotherapy/counselling for those who have experienced harm done by homophobia, hypocrisy, transphobia and heterosexism in the denomination.

More Resources

Much more can be found on the Presbyterian Church in Canada Website

Rainbow Communion Full Report and Video Report

Letter of Repentance

More on Gender, Sexuality, and Inclusion

Social Justice in the PCC

The PCC is concerned about Social Justice. There are many resources, statements, and summaries of the position of the Church under a host of headings, such as Indigenous Justice, Climate Justice, Anti Racism, Ecological Justice, Peacemaking, and more.

Visit the PCC’s social action hub

Official Beliefs of the PCC

Curious about the Official Beliefs of the Presbyterian Church in Canada?

Visit the What We Believe Webpage

What This Means for Prairie Presbyterian Church

First, all are welcome in the life of the Church. We believe this is fundamental to Christian life for anyone of any gender identity or sexual orientation. It is also true for those who hold differing theological views on a variety of subjects, including sexuality.

Secondly, the Session of Prairie Presbyterian Church believes that part of being a loving Church is being open to the giftedness of each person as God has created them. Service, leadership, and eldership are open to those whom God calls and we believe that this is not restricted by someone’s gender identity or sexuality. We abide by the position of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and believe there is space for people to hold either definition of marriage. We are supportive of persons who choose to live out their faith with either understanding, either as strictly between a man and a woman, or defined as between two adult persons.

Third, we must remember that this is about people. Our aim at Prairie is always to help people focus on God and follow Jesus Christ. We do our best to care for one another and to love one another.

Return to In Person Worship

The session of Prairie met on March 7 to discuss in person worship and are excited to welcome people back into the sanctuary at 590 University Crescent beginning on Sunday March 13th at our usual time of 10am.

Online worship will continue to be available on our YouTube Channel and we invite you to make the decision to attend in person based on what is best for you and your family on any given week.

In order to help protect the most vulnerable in our community, we encourage you to continue to wear a mask during worship (masks are available at the back if you forget yours). We would also continue to ask that you stay home when sick.

Apply for Music Director Position

Prairie Presbyterian is looking for a Music Director (10 hours per week) who will be the key music leader for worship services alongside volunteers in the music team. The Music Director will recruit, provide training and schedule people for various roles in music leadership. The Music Director will work with the Minister to plan and implement music for worship services.

Download the Full Job Description

Accepting Applications Anytime

Submit your resume by email to Kirsten Schellenberg: