Steps Leading To Amalgamation
Below is a timeline of steps that lead to the formation of Prairie Presbyterian Church. Prairie was formed through the amalgamation of Trinity Presbyterian Church and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Oct. 27, 2012: Presbytery of Winnipeg visioning day; discussion of possible new models for Presbyterian churches in Winnipeg
April 15, 2013: St. Andrew’s, Trinity, St. James and Somang meet at Presbytery’s request to determine if they can share any common resources
June 10, 2013: Representatives from the 4 churches meet again; St. Andrew’s, Trinity and Somang discuss the idea of shared space. St. James believes that their future may lie in another option on their own and bow out of the discussions.
July 8, 2013: Representatives from St. Andrew’s, Trinity and Somang meet again.
July 16, 2013: Somang, Trinity and St. Andrew’s clergy discuss common goals.
Sept. 5, 2013: all elders from the three churches meet to discuss opportunities
Sept. 19, 2013: a progress report is given to Presbytery requesting that a formal steering committee be set up for exploring amalgamation.
Oct. 15, 2013: clergy from the three congregations meet; it is determined that while Somang remains interested in sharing common Presbyterian space, language barriers will make amalgamation unfeasible.
Oct. 28, 2013: first meeting of the steering committee to explore amalgamation of Trinity and St. Andrew’s
Nov. 17, 2013: St. Andrew’s congregational meeting; informal vote of 26 to 5 determines that St. Andrew’s will explore amalgamation with Trinity.
Nov. 21, 2013: report sent to Presbytery informing Presbytery that Trinity and St. Andrew’s are discussing amalgamation
Nov. 25, 2013: steering committee begins work on practical planning toward amalgamation
Dec. 15, 2013: St. Andrew’s and Trinity hold combined worship at 930 Winakwa Rd.
Dec. 19, 2013: steering committee begins working on draft proposal of points for amalgamation to share with congregations
Jan. 8, 2014: steering committee meets again, begins incorporating feedback from congregations into draft proposal
Jan. 12, 2014: Trinity and St. Andrew’s hold combined worship at St. Norbert Community Centre. Draft Proposal #1 handed out to congregations
Jan. 13, 2014: steering committee meets to incorporate feedback, updates on search for future space
Jan. 18, 2014: progress report given to the Presbytery of Winnipeg. Draft proposal #2 handed out to presbyters
Jan. 19, 2014: Draft Proposal #2 handed out to congregations
Jan. 27, 2014: combined St. Andrews-Trinity session meets at 590 University Cres.
Jan. 29, 2014: steering committee meets to review options regarding space
Feb. 2, 2014: combined worship and further discussion of amalgamation proposal. Draft Proposal #3 handed out to congregations
Feb. 5, 2014: combined St. Andrew’s - Trinity session meeting, with the Presbytery appointee (Rev. Rob Murray) present
Feb. 8, 2014: steering committee discuss feedback, edit final proposal
Feb. 16, 2014: Rev Matthew Brough leads worship at St. Andrew’s. Plan for Amalgamation distributed to both congregations
Feb. 21, 2014: steering committee meets to review property/rental spaces
Feb. 23, 2014: Trinity/St. Andrew’s combined worship at St. Norbert Community Centre. The name Prairie Presbyterian Church is selected from a shortlist of 6 names through a joint-congregational selection process. Steering committee meets to plan for final voting procedures, etc.
Feb. 27, 2014: steering committee meets to review property/rental spaces
March 2, 2014: separate congregational meetings to vote on the final proposal. St. Andrew’s votes 28 in favour, 2 against (93.3%). Trinity votes 44 in favour, 3 against (93.6%)
March 20, 2014: Presbytery of Winnipeg approves the amalgamation and approves the name Prairie Presbyterian Church.
April 6, 2014: First service of new congregation