April 19th - The Peace of Jesus and Being Sent

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or learn about other ways to give to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway. 

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Children’s Resource

Download these activity sheets on “Doubting Thomas”

Join the Zoom “Coffee Time”

To join the virtual coffee time after the service, you need to subscribe to the weekly email. We send out the link for this in an email that goes out 30-60 minutes before the livestream worship.

Easter Sunday

Join the LiveStream

Watch live at 10am Central Time on YouTube or view it later 


We are celebrating communion today. Go here for more details about participating in Communion without a physical gathering

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or read about all the ways to give to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Activity Pack

Check out this free download from Church Publishing Incorporated: A downloadable activity pack with prayers, reflections, stories, crafts, and recipes to support children and families (really anyone- not just kids!) as they observe Holy Week.

View and Download

Easter Coloring Pages

Sheila Anderson usually provides a Children's program for worship every week. She has put this simple booklet together with a new page to color each day and to reflect on during Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday!

Share your masterpieces with us either by email, or tag us in your posts! 

Download pages

The Children of Palm Sunday / Holy Week Resources

Join the LiveStream

Go to Prairie's YouTube Channel to watch live or view it later 

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Live-Streaming Services Clarified by Health Minister

This week all non-essential businesses in Manitoba were closed. In an interview with CHVN, health minister Cameron Friesen clarified that "Provided that in the church those who are organizing and facilitating the service are numbered 10 or less and are observing social distancing requirements, then churches can continue to stream from their building."

Participate in Palm Sunday

Normally we would have palm branches at the door for you to wave throughout the service. Make your own Palm branches or find a palm or other plant at home that you can have nearby. Take a Picture of you and send it to us or post on social media. Don't forget to tag @prairiepreswinnipeg on instagram.Here are two palm leaves to get you started...
Palm Leaf 1
Palm Leaf 2

Program / Order of Service

Download the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or read about all the ways to give (including mailing good old fashioned cheque in the mail) to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway. 

A Lesson Plan for Home Sunday School

Parents - Our Sunday School Coordinator, Bonnie Zimmer, has provided a lesson plan that you can use. Please print off use with your children as appropriate.
Download and Print

Next Level Palm Branch Crafts

Of course, if you want to take your Palm Branches to the next level as a way of engaging with the Palm Sunday Story, Pinterest is the place to go. 
Check out these designs

Holy Week Coloring Pages

Sheila Anderson usually provides a Children's program for worship every week. She has put this simple booklet together with a new page to color each day and to reflect on during Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday!

Share your masterpieces with us either by email, or tag us in your posts! 
Download pages

Holy Week Daily Devotional

Rev. John Stuart from Erin Presbyterian Church has created this lovely devotional that you can print on a legal sheet (front and back) and then fold to use each day during Holy Week. Simple and less than a minute. He shared this with any church that wished to use it.  Download it here 

Bonus Holy Week Resource

In addition to the resources that were sent out this week, you might want to check out this free download from Church Publishing Incorporated: A downloadable activity pack with prayers, reflections, stories, crafts, and recipes to support children and families (really anyone- not just kids!) as they observe Holy Week.

View and Download

Good Friday Service

We will be having a Good Friday Service which will be available on our YouTube Channel at 10am on April 10th.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry(?)

Join the LiveStream

Go to Prairie's YouTube Channel to watch live or view it later

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Program / Order of Service

Download the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or read about all the ways to give (including mailing good old fashioned cheque in the mail) to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Follow along with the main text for today.

A Home School Sunday School Lesson on "the Rich Fool" (same reading as worship)

Download and print these instructions for a very simple lesson plan (courtesy of our very own Children's Ministry coordinator Bonnie Zimmer) to do at home with your kids, either before worship or as the Livestream is taking place.

Download this week's resource.

Grab a Printable Prayer Calendar for Kids

Being a Neighbour From a Distance(?)

To find, the video, visit our YouTube Channel

Download the Program for this Sunday

Follow along with the main text - Luke 10:25-37

Downloadable Children’s Resource for Lent (week 4)

Illustrated Children’s Ministry creates accessible faith-based resources for the church and home. Their thoughtful and easy to use materials are designed to foster authentic faith engagement with refreshing designs, creative activities, and an intergenerational focus.

"We celebrate the expansive image of God in everyone through open, inclusive and progressive language, imagery, and theology."

Download this week's resource.