How do you move forward in times of uncertainty? What can you grab onto that provides some stability? Where can you find direction, not just for yourself, but in your community, and Church?
In this time of wandering, the most important thing is what God is up to, how God is leading. If we need direction, it must come from the Spirit of Christ, and not simply for our own ideas or imaginings.
Led by Rev. Matt Brough, this series is about putting the Triune God at the centre of it all, providing key building blocks for developing your relationship with God, and for discerning the work of the Spirit in your life, your community, and for the congregation.
Sep 5 - Stopping Busy
Theme and Practice: Sabbath and Rest 1
Texts: Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15; Leviticus 23:3; Mark 2:23-28
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message + Resources and Practical Helps
Sep 12 - Rest for the Weariest
Theme and Practice: Sabbath and Rest 2
Text: Leviticus 25:1-24
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message on Jubilee
Sep 19 - With God Without Agenda
Theme and Practice: Quieting yourself and Centering Prayer 1
Text: Luke 10:25-29
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message + Resources and Practical Helps
Sept 26 - By Yourself But Not Alone
Theme and Practice: Quieting yourself and Centering Prayer 2
Texts: Luke 5:15-16; Luke 6:12-13
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message - By Yourself But Not Alone
Oct 3 - Remembering With Grace
Theme and Practice: Thanksgiving and Forgiveness 1
Text: Luke 22:14-21
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message - Remembering With Grace
Oct 10 - Remembering and Letting Go
Theme and Practice: Thanksgiving and Forgiveness 2
Text: Luke 6:37-42
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message - Remembering and Letting Go
Oct 17 - In and For the Neighbourhood
Theme and Practice: Paying Attention to Location and Relationships 1
Text: Jeremiah 29:1,4-13
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message - In and For The Neighbouhood
Oct 24 - Missional Spirituality
Theme and Practice: Paying Attention to Location and Relationships 2
Text: Acts 16:11-15
Rev. Matt Brough’s Message - Missional Spirituality
Oct 31 - Sustaining the Spiritual Life
Theme and Practice: Integration, Walking, the Examen, and More
Text: Mark 8:22-26