Missional Spirituality

Theme and Practice: Paying Attention to Location and Relationships Part 2

This Sunday we look at Acts 16:11-14. At first glance, this text seems fairly innocuous, but there are lots of surprises. Paul and his fellow travellers have been bringing the message about Jesus to different regions, and they had been stalled, when Paul had a dream of a man from Macedonia asking for help. On the basis of the dream, they make their way to the Macedonian city of Philippi and meet not a man, but a woman named Lydia. Lydia is not really needy at all (she’s a business woman), nor is she from Macedonia. But God “opens her heart,” her and her household get baptized, and she insists that Paul and his company stay at her house. She essentially helps start the very first church in Europe. When it comes to seeing what the Holy Spirit is up to in our neighbourhoods, we need to have our eyes wide open and be ready for unexpected people to be key people in God’s story.

Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am

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