In early June 2014, a document was distributed in the congregation that listed the various funds that exist within the church. One of those funds has $23,327 in it that had been designated by the congregation of St. Andrew’s for Ministry Outreach. It was indicated in the document that “some of this money may be used in 2014 if the session has a ministry outreach use for it.”
Later that month, the session entertained a proposal to use these funds for a youth and young adult ministry project to last 18 months, where we would hire someone on a part time basis to work in this area. Over the summer a job description was created. In September the congregation was informed that we were seeking to do this, and a team given power to conduct a search and hire someone was put in place. Other Presbyterian Churches were notified that we were accepting applications. We interviewed two candidates and prayerfully considered each one.
The position was offered to Jennifer Ostash and we are pleased that she has accepted and is taking on this new role with Prairie for next 18 months.
Jen brings her evident love for Jesus Christ and a passion for youth and young adults to this work. She is an elder in the Church and has been involved in the leadership and life of Prairie Presbyterian Church for several years. She brings experience working with youth from her time at First Presbyterian Church in Brandon, and has taken several courses and workshops in the are of youth ministry, through the Canada Youth Ministry Training Track and the Princeton Seminary Youth Forums.
Prairie looks forward to the flourishing of the young people who will connect to the ministry that we can provide, and we join in prayer for this ministry to be an opportunity to reach out to youth and young adults beyond our congregation.