The next visit to Place of Hope Presbyterian Church will be Sunday, March 8, 2015. We will join the congregation for worship and then serve a meal. The worship service starts around 3:30 pm.
There are many ways you can help this outreach project:
- Bake cookies – bring to the church on March 8th
- Bring some of the food items that are needed (see sign-up sheet at the back of the church). Items can be brought either to the church or directly to Place of Hope.
- Come to worship and help set up, serve and clean up.
- Come to worship and drive people to the service and home after the service.
- On Saturday, March 7, 2015, come to 590 University Crescent to help prepare the Chicken Chili.
- Donate money to “Food for Place of Hope Visit” through your offering.
Please contact Carole Bilyk ( if you have any questions.