Prairie has had a prayer group for a number of years, but we are now starting a new prayer ministry that anyone can participate in, from anywhere, at any time. The prayer group won’t be meeting anymore, but this ministry allows the whole congregation to be the prayer group! In addition to your regular prayers, we will provide a focus prayer for the season, and a few prayer items.
Prayer for the Season
Please pray the Prayer for the Season daily if possible. We are also asking that every group in the church pray the Prayer of the Season at some point during their gathering or meeting. Whether it is a board or committee meeting, or a Bible study, we wish to work to unity in prayer. The Prayer for the Season can be a great way to open a meeting or gathering. (see below for the Prayer for the Season of Lent)
Praying the Psalms
For centuries the core practice of Christian spirituality was the daily reading and praying of the 150 Psalms every month. You are encouraged to incorporated daily praying of the Psalms (just 5 Psalms per day) into your own time with God.
Community Prayers
Each season we will provide a few items that we can all be praying about that impact the life of the Church. These may be things that relate to the congregation or to the wider church. (see below for this season's community prayers)
Your Own Prayers
The Prayer for the Season, Praying the Psalms, and Community Prayers are meant to provide a prayer focus for our congregation and for you in your own walk with God. Of course, you will have your own prayers as well. Remember that as you pray the prayers of the Church, that God always hears your personal prayers as well.
O God, the Fountain of Life,
who raised Your Holy One from the dead and exalted him to the right hand of Your majesty;
Cause Your face to shine upon us, and allow us to freely rejoice in His victory with glorious and unspeakable joy. As we remember the empty tomb and the resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, unite our hearts by faith in Him over whom death has no more dominion.
May the risen Christ be with us today; fill us, O God, with the divine energy of Christ’s life, working in us according to the power by which He rose from the dead. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
(this prayer is adapted from a Prayer of Invocation for Easter, Book of Common Order, Presbyterian Church in Canada 1964, pg. 276)
During this season, please pray for:
- Our congregational discernment around our overall ministry plans, the partnership with Lighthouse, our staff/leadership model, and our financial and facility needs for our future.
- The Music and Play Program, especially for Joanne Diplock (instructor), the volunteers, and the children and families who are participating.
- Rev. Matt Brough during his time of study leave (beginning April 18)
Note: Eastertide is the 50 day season from Easter Sunday to the Day of Pentecost. This year Pentecost is on May 15
Prayer for the Season of Lent
Merciful God,
You created us from the dust of the earth, and breathed your Holy Spirit into us. You recreate us in Christ through the waters of Baptism, that we might share as a people in your fullness of life.
While in these forty days, may our fasting strengthen us to seek your justice, may our prayer lead us to become makers of peace, and may our sharing exalt and magnify your reign.
Be present in all human hearts, as we await with joyful anticipation, the mystery and resurrection of Jesus your Son. In who’s name we pray. Amen.
Community Prayers during Lent
Please pray for:
- the planning and preparation for the new Music and Play Program.
- the annual congregational meeting on March 6th and the upcoming budget year.
- Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Easter) and new people who find their way into Church at this time of year.