Staff Transitions Fall 2021

In May/June the session was reviewing Prairie’s staffing model. Since early 2020 we have had two pastoral staff positions, both around 50% time: The Minister of Word and Sacrament (Rev. Matt Brough), and the Worship and Community Leader (Jen Ostash-Gooch).

As part of the review, the session asked Matt and Jen to identify any gaps in their job descriptions and make recommendations about any adaptations for the future roles. In July/August, Jen’s hours were reduced at her request for her to focus more on her family. Since that time, both Jen and Matt have thought and prayed about their roles at Prairie.

Worship and Community Leader Transition

On August 23rd, Jen informed the session that she would be stepping down as Worship and Community Leader. You can watch the video here of her letting the congregation know about her decision. We are thankful for her grace and honesty and encourage her in her continued calling and devotion to her family at this time.

We have identified that the Worship and Community Leader position was really two main jobs in the areas of: (1) Music and Worship Leadership and Coordination and (2) Discipleship/Community/Fellowship.

Jen will officially complete her work for Prairie at the end of September, continuing in her limited hours (about .25% time). Her focus in September is around the coordination of our small group ministry. Her last Sunday leading and coordinating in worship was on August 29th.

Minister of Word and Sacrament Transition

Rev. Matt Brough has for the last three years worked half-time for Prairie and half-time as Coordinator of Cyclical PCC, the Church Planting Support Initiative of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He has decided not to renew his contract with the National Church and will return as full-time minister at Prairie once the contract expires at the end of October 2021.

As a reset, and to refocus on full time ministry with Prairie, he will be away for the month of November. Matt looks forward to entering a new season with renewed energy!

Search for New Music/Worship Director

We are immediately beginning a search for someone to fill the music/worship coordinating role. A small team is being put together for this and their first step is to look at the job descriptions of out former music director role and the worship and community leader role and provide a new job description to session. This job description will be shared and used in their search to fill this role.

New Committee for Discipleship/Fellowship

We will be forming a small committee to oversee and support some of the areas that were under the worship and community leader’s position, as well as other congregational activity, including:

  • The Small Group Ministry, emphasizing support and accountability for leaders.

  • Children’s Ministry: Sunday school / Nursery

  • Other Events (e.g. retreat, coffee time, one-off events such as dinners, Special services, workshops, etc.)

Long Term Planning

The Session is preparing for a season of discernment and planning for the future of the congregation, including a process that will take 6-8 months in 2022. This process will involve the whole church. Prior to this process, we are entering a time of preparation as we focus on spiritual practices in the fall of 2021.

You can read more about the Path Behind and the Journey Ahead here.