There are so many resources to help you mark the season of Advent. Here are a few that we recommend:
Sing a New Song - the PCC Weekly Advent Devotional - Download the PDF to use individually, with your family, or in a group
Presbyterians Read Advent Book Study - Reflections at Advent on Bonhoeffer’s Meditations
This 5-week study, has accompanying videos and can be done individually or with a group. The study is meant to accompany the reading of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book of Advent meditations, God is in the Manger. Find out more, here.
Bless the Advent We Actually Have - Kate Bowler’s excellent Advent devotional. This is free on her website for individual use and Ashley B will be leading her small group through 3 discussions on Zoom based on this resource. Email Rev. Matt Brough if you want to join these discussions.
Candle Lighting Liturgies - We will be using the Presbyterian World Service & Development Advent Candle Liturgies in our Advent services on Sunday morning, but there is more to this resource than simply the readings. Download them for yourselves at this webpage to read about the work of PWS&D and connect to your Advent practice, or consider using the liturgies in your own candle lighting at home.