New Beginnings Outreach Plan!
We have had an exciting year, and we are looking forward to an active fall. Take a look at the different opportunities for you to participate, connect and possibly be hired to help. Following that is an update on what we have accomplished so far.
1. Coffee on the street
Starting September 10 for 6 weeks - 2 or 3 mornings each week. Hand out Coffee and small snack to people walking by our church. A fun way to meet some of our neighbours!
We are looking to hire someone who will:
Set-up, and clean-up of the coffee, table, signage
Take photos and videos, and upload instagram stories
Manage volunteers
Manage inventory of supplies (coffee, cups, food, napkins, etc.)
We are looking for volunteers who will:
Prepare snacks
Hand out coffee
Be open to having conversations with the community
2. End of Summer BBQ - Sept 15
We are inviting neighbours near 590 University Cres to come to this BBQ on Sunday afternoon. This is for both our congregation and anyone within walking distance who wants to come.
After these two events we have the following events planned to keep building connections with our neighbours.
2 coffee houses: October and December
A Soup and Muffin mid-week lunch (sometime in November)
New Beginnings Update
With so much going on, we also want to celebrate everything that we have done so far as well, which includes:
- 3 Coffee Houses, where we learned more about the best format, and how to connect with people
- Church retreat, where we learned that our focus is on Food Security and Loneliness (which, if you have noticed, our fall/winter activities focus on providing food and time to connect).
- Started Big Deal Sundays (On pause for the summer, but will return in October).
- Volunteering at the Food Bank: We have a contingent of people who in community with Converge are helping provide food through this enriching experience. This is continuing throughout the summer and into the fall!