Minister Moving from Full Time to .8

The following plan was approved by the Presbytery of Winnipeg on Sep 19, 2024

Session is proposing to the Presbytery of Winnipeg that my time as minister at Prairie be reduced from full-time to .8 time. This is happening at my request and comes from a desire to devote greater time to pursuits outside the ministry of the congregation. Specifically, I am hoping to focus more on my writing, and may also do some additional coaching and consulting for other congregations, organizations, or leaders.

I believe focussing more on my writing will be good for me. Writing has brought me joy and has been so life-giving, yet it often becomes difficult to keep boundaries in ministry such that writing for the joy of it ends up being elusive. My hope is that having a more structured week and sticking to .8 time will allow for more margin on a week to week basis, and provide some flexibility in Sunday schedules throughout the year.

Over the last few years, I have felt my role as minister shifting from less “leading the charge” to more coming alongside people in the congregation as they carry out their ministries. The ministry of presence (i.e. being there at activities and events that are critical for building relationships) will continue to be important. Obviously preaching and leading worship will continue to be central to the role as well.

I believe Prairie is at a critical time where the congregation needs to claim its own ministry and that having a minister less than full time might be very good for the congregation. The ministry of the congregation ought not simply be people in the church supporting the work of staff persons. Actually, it needs to be the other way around. I, as the minister, can support you in how you wish to serve and build relationships with one another, with the neighbourhood, and with the wider community. I wish to help empower you to have ideas for serving and to put those ideas into practice. My hope is that knowing that the minister is not always there to simply handle whatever falls through the cracks will help the congregation as a whole continue to have a greater sense of ownership for your ministry together.

I am so thankful for the elders at Prairie in working with me to try out this arrangement. Session has agreed to a job description that reflects the idea of “coming alongside,” as well as some details about expectations and process.

Some key points:

  • Start date for the new arrangement is October 1, 2024

  • As well as the regular Sundays off for vacation and/or Study Leave, there will be an additional 5 Sundays off per year.

  • In a regular week, the aim is for work and availability for Prairie to be Sunday plus three weekdays (usually, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

  • This will be a one-year agreement to try it out before making any longer term changes.

You can read the whole job description here.


Rev. Matt Brough