Last year, Prairie Church recorded a series of short (under 10 minute) videos for Advent that focussed on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. If you missed them, or want to review them, you can watch one each week of the season, including one for Christmas.
Advent Devotionals & Studies
There are so many resources to help you mark the season of Advent. Here are a few that we recommend:
Sing a New Song - the PCC Weekly Advent Devotional - Download the PDF to use individually, with your family, or in a group
Presbyterians Read Advent Book Study - Reflections at Advent on Bonhoeffer’s Meditations
This 5-week study, has accompanying videos and can be done individually or with a group. The study is meant to accompany the reading of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book of Advent meditations, God is in the Manger. Find out more, here.
Bless the Advent We Actually Have - Kate Bowler’s excellent Advent devotional. This is free on her website for individual use and Ashley B will be leading her small group through 3 discussions on Zoom based on this resource. Email Rev. Matt Brough if you want to join these discussions.
Candle Lighting Liturgies - We will be using the Presbyterian World Service & Development Advent Candle Liturgies in our Advent services on Sunday morning, but there is more to this resource than simply the readings. Download them for yourselves at this webpage to read about the work of PWS&D and connect to your Advent practice, or consider using the liturgies in your own candle lighting at home.
Advent Small Group
An Advent Small Group will meet online to discuss the Advent Devotional by Kate Bowler, "Bless the Advent We Actually Have". All are welcome. You can get the devotional for free at her website.
Sunday December 3, 10, & 17 at 7:30PM for 40-minutes on Zoom.
Led by Ashley B - To join reach out to Rev. Matt at
2023 Prairie Advent Coffee House
All are welcome to this free event and time to set aside the stress and busy time this holiday season can bring. We have some fabulous musical talent lined up to celebrate this year’s theme: LOVE. Come one, come all! Please RSVP by clicking here.
Supporting Place of Hope Indigenous Church
We are excited to provide a special experience for the families of Place of Hope during the Christmas season. Over the coming weeks, our church is collecting donations and items to support this ministry. This year, each family will receive a turkey or ham and each individual of the household will receive a “Santa bag”.
We try to pack in evenly anything that will fit in an 11x14 cloth bag. This year we have 47 children 17 and under (26 girls & 21 boys) and 55 adults (34 females & 21 males) who regularly attend. We also do a few generic bags in case there are visitors so everyone gets something.
While our church is collecting dish towels and dish cloths to go into the bags, you can also look at the following list for other items that are needed. (click to read more)
Join in the Music at Prairie
The Prairie Church Choir will help us all prepare for the season advent as we usher in a time of wonder through music. The choir welcomes all voice types and will sing four times at Sunday morning workshop services as well as the evening Christmas Eve service (time TBC). More information to follow.
🎵December 3 from 12 - 1:30PM
🎵December 10 from 12 - 1:30PM
🎵Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 9:45AM (Dec 3, 10, 17)
🎵December 3 at 10AM
🎵December 10 at 10AM
🎵December 17 at 10AM
🎵December 24 at evening service (time 4pm)
For those who want a little more information, need some encouragement, or have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our music director, Ashley, at
Interpreting the Bible Imaginatively - A Workshop
Interpreting the Bible can be challenging but, believe it or not, it can also be fun, and diving into understanding the bible through imaginative engagement with the stories, letters, poems and more that lie within its pages can be deeply rewarding, even life-changing.
On Saturday, Nov 18th, 2023 from 9:30 to 11:30, Rev. Matt Brough will be offering a workshop on Interpreting the Bible Imaginatively. (In person only at 590 University Cres, Winnipeg)
Together, we will explore a couple of biblical texts and learn some techniques to uncover fresh insight.
Email Matt if you plan to come.
Definitely, let Matt know you’re coming because we want to make sure there are enough snacks!
As we continue focusing on building relationships, Our New Beginnings Team is introducing BIG DEAL Sunday on the first Sunday of the month. Calling it coffee Sunday, or refreshments Sunday didn’t sound… well… big enough. And we could say getting together after the service for some fellowship and some food is “no big deal,” but actually - making time to connect with each other is a BIG DEAL.
On BIG DEAL Sundays, the first Sunday of each month, we will share communion in the service, have some great snacks after church, and celebrate birthdays and anniversaries happening that month.
Note: If you worship with us online-only and have a birthday or anniversary this month, let us know. We still want to celebrate you even if you aren’t there in person.
BBQ on September 10 After Church
Join us for a BBQ following our 10AM service on Sunday, September 10th at Prairie Presbyterian Church, 590 University Crescent. We look to welcoming back Pastor Matt who has been away on intermission over the past three months.
Folks are welcomed to bring their own lawn chairs, blankets, and anything else needed for an outdoor lunch. Some chairs will be provided and set up outside the East church doors where we’ll gather
If you have been away during the summer months, this might be a great service to mark on your calendar and your return to in-person services!
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Boychuk, Prairie Music Director at We look forward to welcoming everyone!
Prairie Bursary
Prairie Presbyterian Church is offering a bursary award for eligible post-secondary students regardless of discipline. There may be multiple awards each year with a maximum amount of $1,000 per bursary. Recipients may reapply for one (1) additional year, depending on length of program of study.
For more information please click here.
The deadline to apply is August 31, 2023.