Theme and Practice: Quieting Yourself and Centring Prayer Part 1
See Below for Podcasts, Books, and Resources on Centring Prayer and Being With God
We begin a theme of quieting yourself and look at a classic text about loving God with heart, soul, mind, and strength. How can you lean into loving God? What does that actually look like, and why is us loving God so important.
Sunday Worship Service at 10:00am
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Centring Prayer / Being With God Resources
A Guide to Centring Prayer
Centering prayer is a form of contemplative prayer where the pray-er seeks to quiet scattered thoughts and desires in the still center of Christ’s presence. ~ Adele Alhberg Calhoun
Centering prayer is a practice that opens us to the gift of contemplative prayer. During Contemplative prayer we sit with God. We open our mind, heart and body to God who is beyond thoughts, words and emotions.
Contemplative prayer is like when we sit with a lover or a friend. No words need to be said. Centering prayer does not replace other forms of prayer. It complements them. It is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster our relationship with God.
Centring Prayer Exercises:
Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your intention to consent to God’s presence and action within.
Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the sacred word as the symbol of your consent to God’s presence and action within.
When engaged with your thoughts, return ever-so- gently to the sacred word.
At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
A SHORT METHOD (from Adele Alhberg Calhoun)
Settle into a comfortable position and intentionally place yourself in the presence of God.
Choose a simple word, phrase or verse from Scripture that expresses your desire for God. Let this word guard your attention.
Take time to become quiet. Let noisy thoughts go. Gently return your attention to the centre of God’s presence and love by repeating your word. When your thoughts wander, don’t go after them, let the word draw your attention back to Jesus. Be with Jesus.
Rest in the centre of God’s love. Trust that the Holy Spirit who abides in the depths of your spirit to connect you with God.
Take several minutes to come out of prayer. Don’t hurry. Breathe in the presence of Christ. Offer yourself to God for the tasks awaiting you.
Even More on Contemplative Practices…
Contemplative Outreach Website
Centring Prayer App from Contemplative Outreach
Children’s Ministry Videos
You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.
Prayer Requests
If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Matt at