Oct 18 - 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least November 8th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Nov 10.

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets

Following the Service, there will be a puppet show and a “things to think about” time for kids.

You can also access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Oct 11 - Don't Worry, Be ______ Communion / New Members

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least November 8th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Nov 10.

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

We will be celebrating communion in this service - make sure you have bread and wine/juice to join in

We are also welcoming new members this Sunday!

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets

Following the Service, there will be a puppet show and a “things to think about” time for kids.

You can also access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Oct 4 - No LiveStream this sunday

Read the Email update explaining why there isn’t a service on Oct 4th

You might want to use these resources for your own time of worship:

Consider signing up for a Small Group. We are just launching new opportunities for you to help each other live life well through following Jesus. Find Out More

You may also want to look through the list of other Presbyterian Churches in Canada that have livestreamed or pre-recorded services. View the list here

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests you can still send them to Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca. The elders meet on Tues, Oct. 6th and they will pray for any of your requests that are sent in.

Sep 20 - Manna In the Wilderness

Register by Friday 12pm to Attend in Person

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Sep 13 - A Foundational Story Of Slaves Being Set Free

Register by Friday 12pm to Attend in Person

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Sep 6 - Love Your Neighbour as Yourself

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Communion This Sunday

Make sure you have your own bread and wine/juice at home and read this page on Participating in Communion Without a Physical Gathering

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

  • Colouring Sheet 1 for this Sunday

  • Colouring Sheet 2

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Aug 23 - "Do Not Be Conformed, but..."

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Aug 16 - "Maintain Justice and Do What Is Right"

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Aug 2 - "Delight Yourselves in Rich Food”

Join the Premiere at 10am Central Time

Watch YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer as it was pre-recorded, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

_Delight yourselves in rich food_.png

June 28 - "and when the song was raised…”

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

June 21 - Union in Christ's death and LIFE

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

June 14 - The Harvest and the Workers

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

June 7 - Trinity Sunday: Leaning into Your God Given Gifts

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

May 31 - Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Shows Up and Things Get Pretty Strange

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Art in Advance

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

May 24 - Celebrating and Understanding the Importance of Jesus' Ascension

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Download and Print -> Kids Activity Sheet for May 17th

Art in Advance

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

May 17 - Security Blankets, Love, "Make like a Tree," and Umbrellas in the Wind

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Colouring and activity Sheets for Worship

Download and Print -> Kids Activity Sheet for May 17th

Art in Advance

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

May 10 - A Musical Gift

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback (Comment Card)

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or learn about other ways to give to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway. 

Prayer Requests

Prayer requests will not be included in today’s community prayer, but will be given to the elders for prayer and/or included in next week’s community prayer. If you have prayer requests, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Colouring Sheets for Worship (ALL AGES)

Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Art in Advance -> Colouring Sheets connected to May 17th Theme

Art in Advance -> Colouring Sheets connected to May 24th Theme

Art for Today -> Colouring Sheet on Music

Join the Zoom “Coffee Time”

To join the virtual coffee time after the service, you need to subscribe to the weekly email. We send out the link for this in an email that goes out 30-60 minutes before the livestream worship.

May 3 - You are Chosen and Royal

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 


We will celebrate communion this Sunday - read this page about participating

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or learn about other ways to give to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway. 

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Colouring Sheets for Worship (ALL AGES)

The following two sheets are available for you to download and colour and connect to the theme for May 17th. Do some colouring as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Download the sheets

Join the Zoom “Coffee Time”

To join the virtual coffee time after the service, you need to subscribe to the weekly email. We send out the link for this in an email that goes out 30-60 minutes before the livestream worship.

April 26th - The Road to Emmaus

Join the LiveStream at 10am Central Time

Watch live on YouTube or view it later 

Virtual Guestbook / Leave Feedback

First time worshipping with Prairie or "seasoned veteran" we'd love to hear from you.

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Give an Offering

Give online or learn about other ways to give to support the ministry of Prairie. 


Read the main text on Bible Gateway. 

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests for inclusion in the community prayers, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Children’s Resources

Check out this fun interpretation of the Emmaus story on YouTube

Join the Zoom “Coffee Time”

To join the virtual coffee time after the service, you need to subscribe to the weekly email. We send out the link for this in an email that goes out 30-60 minutes before the livestream worship.