Feb 28 - A Liturgy for Life: Family, Ancestors, Descendants

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

This Sunday we continue the Lent: A Liturgy for Life series. Join in with the daily practices and weekly rhythms - more details and sign up here

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets + Colouring for Adults too!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Lent Gardens - for all ages!

An online interactive Journey developed by Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation, Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, PCC

A new garden will be posted each week.

Click here or on the Image to start your Journey and find the hidden activities!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Feb 21 - A Liturgy for Life: Creation

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

This Sunday we start the Lent: A Liturgy for Life series. Join in with the daily practices and weekly rhythms - more details and sign up here

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets + Colouring for Adults too!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Lent Gardens - for all ages!

An online interactive Journey developed by Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation, Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, PCC

A new garden will be posted each week.

Click here on the Image to start your Journey and find the hidden activities!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Feb 14 - Thin Places and Transformation

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Feb 7 - Power To the Faint

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

We Are Sharing Communion Today - Make sure you have your Bread and Wine/Juice ready.

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Jan 31 - Community Worship on Zoom

This coming Sunday we are on Zoom at 10am Central Time

You need to be subscribed to our weekly email in order to receive the Zoom link details. Not on the list or not sure? Sign up here (and make sure you check your junk mail in case the emails end up in there)

Program / Order of Service

Follow along with this Program

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Jan 24 - Overturned with Guest Preacher, Jen de Combe

Premiere on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

No program this week

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Jan 17 - Call/Answer with Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart

Premiere on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

No program this week

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Jan 10 - First Sunday After Epiphany / Baptism of the Lord

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Jan 3 - The Magi, The Majesty, The Mystery

Join Live on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Dec 24 - Christmas Eve - at 3pm, 5pm, or 7pm


Links to Each Premiere

The service at each time is identical, with the premiere allowing you to join in the service at the same time as others. There will be an archive of the service available later as well.

3:00pm CT - on YouTube

5:00pm CT - on YouTube

7:00pm CT - on YouTube - on Facebook

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Awesome Nativity Activity Booklet

Download and print this fantastic 7-page activity booklet for the kids. A great thing for little ones while listening to the Christmas Eve Sermon.

Plus - a Bonus Colouring Sheet

Dec 20 - Advent 4 - The Sunday of Love

Join the Premiere on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Dec 13 - Advent 3 - JOY Sunday!

Join the Livestream on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

COMMUNION This Sunday. Make sure you have bred and juice/wine on hand.
read about celebrating communion without a physical gathering

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Dec 6 - Advent 2 - Dare We Hope? YES!

Join the YouTube Premiere this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Also - don’t forget we have our Ordination of Elders and Advent Party on Zoom at 6:30pm Dec 6th as well! Check your email on Sunday afternoon for the link.

Watch together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Nov 29 - Advent Begins!!!

Join the YouTube Premiere this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after December 13th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Dec 7.

Watch together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Nov 22 - Reign of Christ Sunday - Matthew 25:31-46

Join the Livestream this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after December 13th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Dec 7.

Watch together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Nov 15 - Don't Bury What You've Been Given - Matthew 25:14-30

Join the Premiere this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after December 13th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Dec 7.

Watch together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Nov 8 - Why is Amos so Angry? But Aren't We All? - 5:18-24

Join the Premiere this Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after November 8th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Nov 10.

Watch together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets - Not just for kids!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Nov 1 - 8 Ways to Get Blessings (or maybe Jesus is doing something different) - Matthew 5:1-12

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

TODAY WE CELEBRATE COMMUNION - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WINE/JUICE AND BREAD AVAILABLE. (Read About Participating in Communion without a Physical Gathering)

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after November 8th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Nov 10.

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Oct 25 - Like a Tree Planted - Psalm 1

Join the Livestream Sunday at 10am Central Time

Prairie’s Session has decided that we will not be an in-person option for our Sunday worship services until at least after November 8th. This decision will be reviewed by Session on Nov 10.

Join Live on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in today’s community prayer, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca