July 25 to August 29 - Practices for Living a Whole Life - Series

Sunday Services on YouTube at 10:00am

Go to Prairie’s YouTube Channel

This series makes use of a video series from The Work of the People called “ON OUR WAY: Conversations about Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life.”

Each week, we will include one or two short videos and then the leadership at Prairie will provide a brief conversation or reflection based on the videos.

The reflections and discussions are based on the discussion guide, which you can download here.

During this series most of the music was pre-recorded.

Programs / Order of Service

July 25 - An Invitation

August 1 - Study/Discernment

August 8 - Community/Friendship

August 15 - Care for Creation

August 22 - Our Neighbours of Other Faiths

August 29 - Peacemaking

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

July 11 - Glorious Grace, Lavish Blessings, and All Things

Sunday Service LIVE on YouTube at 10:00am

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

July 4 - Sent by Christ in a Post-colonial age

Sunday Service LIVE on YouTube at 10:00am

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

June 27 - Mission in Malawi

Sunday Service Premiere on YouTube at 10:00am

Rev. Dr. Blair Bertrand is today's guest preacher. Based in Ottawa, Blair serves as full-time mission staff, staying connected with the PCC’s partners in Malawi. (Read More}

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

June 20 - After the Storm

Sunday Service Live on YouTube at 10:00am

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

June 13 - Mustard Seed Kingdom

Sunday Service Live on YouTube at 10:00am

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

June 6 - Hiding in the Garden

Sunday Service Live on YouTube at 10:00am

Today we celebrate communion. Have your elements ready in order to join in.

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

May 23 - Pentecost

Sunday Service Live on YouTube at 10:00am

Today our guest preacher is Dr. Rob Dean, Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics at Providence College and Seminary.

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

May 16 - Ascension - "When Will You Restore...?"

Sunday Service Live on YouTube at 10:00am

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Matt at matt@prairiechurch.ca

May 9 - Fully Alive: Love

Sunday Service Premieres on YouTube at 10:00am

Continuing the Fully Alive Series with a recorded service

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Matt at matt@prairiechurch.ca

May 2 - Fully Alive: Connection

Sunday Service LiveStreaming on YouTube at 10:00am

A new series begins this Sunday.

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Matt at matt@prairiechurch.ca

Apr 18 - Fully Alive: Joy

Sunday Service LiveStreaming on YouTube at 10:00am

A new series begins this Sunday.

Worship together LIVE at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Apr 11 - Fully Alive: Unity

Sunday Service on YouTube Premiering at 10:00am

A new series begins this Sunday.

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Apr 4 - Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Service on YouTube Premiering at 10:00am

Celebrate the resurrection with a sunrise liturgy, beautiful music and a message on Mark 16:1-8 and the questions of Easter Morning.

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Apr 2 - Good Friday

Good Friday Service on YouTube Premiering at 10:00am

A 20 Minute worship service featuring two solos, readings from the gospel of John and prayers.

Worship together at 10:00am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

Including a video for Good Friday, titled “Investigating Jesus: the Trial and Arrest”

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Mar 28 - Palm Sunday

Special - Palm Sunday Processional on Zoom at 10:00am

Check Your Email to Get the Zoom Link to join this special celebration

Regular Worship Service on YouTube Premiering at 10:30am

Worship together at 10:30am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Mar 21 - A Liturgy for Life: Others

Join on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

This Sunday we continue the Lent: A Liturgy for Life series. Join in with the daily practices and weekly rhythms - more details and sign up here

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets + Colouring for Adults too!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Lent Gardens - for all ages!

An online interactive Journey developed by Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation, Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, PCC

A new garden will be posted each week.

Click here or on the Image to start your Journey and find the hidden activities!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Mar 14 - A Liturgy for Life: Self

Join on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

This Sunday we continue the Lent: A Liturgy for Life series. Join in with the daily practices and weekly rhythms - more details and sign up here

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets + Colouring for Adults too!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Lent Gardens - for all ages!

An online interactive Journey developed by Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation, Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, PCC

A new garden will be posted each week.

Click here or on the Image to start your Journey and find the hidden activities!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca

Mar 7 - A Liturgy for Life: Neighbourhood and Nation

Join on YouTube this Sunday at 10am Central Time

This Sunday we continue the Lent: A Liturgy for Life series. Join in with the daily practices and weekly rhythms - more details and sign up here

Worship together at 10am Sunday on YouTube or view it later 

Program / Order of Service

Read the program to follow along

Children’s Ministry Videos and Activity Sheets + Colouring for Adults too!

You can access Children’s Ministry Videos here on the Prairie YouTube Channel.

Do some colouring and activities as we worship together and then send in a photo of your work!

Lent Gardens - for all ages!

An online interactive Journey developed by Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation, Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda, PCC

A new garden will be posted each week.

Click here or on the Image to start your Journey and find the hidden activities!

Prayer Requests

If you have prayer requests to be included in our prayers of intercession, please email Jen at jen@prairiechurch.ca