Food Ministry Project: In the Kitchen and Around the Table

This ministry outreach is to connect with neighbourhoods and individuals through basic cooking classes. The goals of the project are:

1) To provide a healthy meal, including leftovers to take home, to those who are in need in several constituencies.
2) To provide education on healthy eating on a budget.
3) To facilitate community among participants and create space for mutual support and encouragement.
4) To provide pastoral care through appropriate follow up with participants / to assist the existing staff and volunteers at Winnipeg Inner City Missions with their own pastoral work
5) To create opportunities for faith, spiritual, and gospel conversations around a common table.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” — Matthew 25:35

Our aim is to operate 4 distinct programs:

a) Fort Richmond - connecting with Food Bank and Families living in Manitoba Housing areas.
b) South Winnipeg Community - Connecting with University Students living away from home
c) Partnership with Winnipeg Inner City Missions - Flora House Teen Day Camp
d) Partnership with Winnipeg Inner City Missions - Single Adults

Not only do we want to provide some meals for participants, we hope to provide education about nutrition and food selection and most importantly how to do this on a tight budget. We hope to be able to bring in some expert speakers, giving participants the opportunity to learn more and also spark their creativity or their interest on areas they may want to further explore. We have a desire to use this opportunity to make community connections beyond the participants. We believe there are potential partnerships to form to support what is currently out there and what we feel called to create.

Dates in July have been tentatively booked for the Flora House and Single Adults groups. Both groups will be held at WICM and will also have a celebration at the end of their classes.

The location and dates for the University Students and the Families are to be determined. We want a neutral space for people to feel comfortable walking into, as well as taking the opportunity to build other community connections.