Worship and Community Leader

We are thrilled to announce that Jen Ostash-Gooch has been hired into the new role of Worship and Community Leader and has begun working this week. This is a half-time role and expands her role into new areas of ministry beyond the work with young adults that she was doing for Prairie last year.

As per our process, the Presbytery was consulted on this role and gave their approval on Jan 18. Members of Prairie's personnel committee (Janice Anderson and Amelia Sheocharan) and the minister (Matt Brough), interviewed Jen on Jan 29th, and recommended to session that she be hired. The session passed the motion offering the position at their meeting on Feb 3rd.

This position is part of our new staffing model for 2020 which was presented to the congregation in November 2019.  You can access the document that outlined the model, job descriptions, and process that were sent out - Download it here