Why work so hard to get more people involved in the Advent And Christmas Eve Worship Services?

As we move into the Advent and Christmas seasons, our congregation would usually start planning a bunch of special things for our services. Choirs would rehearse, a pageant would be prepared, special solos would happen.

And this year, we are on YouTube - but we still want you involved.

The work to have people record videos in their homes and edit everything together is significant, but it is totally worth it! Just like it is worth the work in other years.

The main reason it is worth it is that worship at its best involves and includes many people of God working together. In previous years, our rehearsing would be part of what we offer to God. Getting costumes ready would be part of our worship. Going over readings would be part of our worship. And then when we would actually come together as a community, a few people would lead lead, while everyone worships together.

This year, instead of a people coming together in the building to light candles and hear the story (which is wonderful!), we get to collaborate to make a video that is our worship of God as we celebrate the incarnation.

Whether you appear on screen, where you edit video, whether you gather your household together to light your own candles and listen to the ancient story that shapes our lives, or whether you send a few “peace be with you” messages in the chat, you are worshipping God this season.

No, it’s not the same as in-person. Neither will our YouTube videos “work” for everyone. But for many in our community this year, this is our way of focussing on and celebrating the incarnation, of rejoicing in hope as we remember the birth of our Lord.

Are there more things we will do as God’s people? Of course!

We will join small groups to strengthen each other’s faith. We will do what we can to care for each other, with encouraging emails, phone calls, care packages, etc. We will support Winnipeg Inner City Missions, Kenora Fellowship Centre and Place of Hope Indigenous Presbyterian Church. And We will continue to learn on our own and together, whether from prophets, or preachers, or puppets, or pastors!

But most importantly, our worship, our service, and our giving reminds us that as God’s people we together point to the one worthy of worship—The Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Matt Brough
Minister of Word and Sacraments
Prairie Presbyterian Church