Staffing Updates at Prairie

Dear friends,

The session of Prairie is in the midst of a review of our staffing model. In Feb 2020, we adopted a new model with: 1) a half-time minister of Word and Sacrament focussed on teaching and leadership and 2) a half-time worship and community leader, with this position filled by Jen Ostash-Gooch. We also anticipated hiring a part-time admin person.

Obviously, a month later things changed with the onset of Covid, and in those early days we all thought it would be somewhat back to business as usual in maybe a few months. We all know that didn’t happen.

Wesley Keeley began doing more and more Audio-Visual work for us on a volunteer basis, but it became apparent that the Audio-Visual work was a priority. In the summer of 2020, the session decided to hire Wesley on a contract to continue this work, and to improve our A/V and tech capacity rather than hiring an admin person.

The plan was originally to conduct a review of the staffing model by the end of 2020, but this wasn’t practical in light of so much being in flux, so the review was postponed.

There has been great flexibility and adaptive leadership shown by our team.


From Matt: I am so grateful for the congregation and session’s support while I have worked half-time at Prairie, enabling me to work half-time as the national coordinator of Cyclical PCC (our denomination’s Church starting network). Over the last few months I have discerned that I will not continue as the coordinator of Cyclical PCC beyond October 31st. I have informed session of this decision. I have also really appreciated the opportunity to work within a staff team over the last number of years and see the real value in having a group collaborate in ministry at the staff level. I would like this to continue, I am also hoping to focus more on my writing, which has taken more of a backseat with the extra demands of the national church work. The session and I will be working on the possibility of me working for Prairie at 3/4 time after the Cyclical work is complete. In some ways not much will change from what was stated as half-time, although I have suggested that I might preach more (my current arrangement is for 3 times per month).

From Jen: Over the last number of months, having consistent childcare has been a rollercoaster for our family. Over the same time, I was sensing that God was leading me to focus much more on momming and I’ve realized 25 hrs a week of work is simply not sustainable. I’m so grateful for the support that the Session has offered in being flexible with my circumstances. It’s not a daily life I ever imagined for myself, but I’m embracing it and allowing God to continue transforming my heart and my way of existing in this world. We thank you all for your prayers and support as we figure out new rhythms of life. Through the staff model review process, I asked for my hours to be reduced and I am grateful that the session has agreed that beginning July 1st, I will be working 12.5 hours per week.

Next Steps

Over the summer, Matt, Jen, and Wesley will look carefully at their job descriptions and task lists to map out the areas that they have been focussed on, plan for what their work might look like going forward, and identify any potential gaps that we might need to fill.

By the fall, the session will complete the review process and look at any other possible changes to the staff configuration. This may include revised job descriptions or even the addition of another part time staff member.

If you have feedback or questions about the review process, please contact Erin Whittaker or Janet Simpson. (Elders on the review team)

From the Session of Prairie Presbyterian Church